Licensing & Financial Information FAQs
What is a CCRC?
A Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) is a community that provides peace of mind for a growing number of seniors who want to live independently now in a vibrant community but wish to have health care services available should the need arise. CCRC’s are licensed by the Department of Social Services Continuing Care Contracts Branch.
How are you regulated?
The California Department of Social Services is responsible for the oversight of continuing care providers and has two branches that participate in this regulation. The Continuing Care Contracts Branch monitors the ongoing financial strength and the community’s ability to fulfill the long-term contractual obligations to residents. The Senior Care Program monitors CCRC providers for compliance regarding buildings and grounds, accommodations, care and supervision of residents, and quality of service.
Cardinal Point far exceeds both the level of service standards and financial strength requirements in the form of quarterly reserves and ongoing financial performance. The Gallahers are committed to the continued success and stability of their communities and their pride in ownership is apparent.
How does the Entrance Fee work?
The Entrance Fee is paid upon moving into Cardinal Point and is a one-time charge for the right to enter the community. Entrance Fees are based on the size and location of the home selected and are up to 80% refundable to you or your estate when you move out and your home has been re-let to a new resident. Cardinal Point has enjoyed high occupancy with a waitlist since its inception in 2004.
What type of contract does CArdinal point have?
Resident’s sign a Residency Agreement upon moving in and it is considered a “type C” contract. Unlike type A and B contracts, Cardinal Point offers an inclusive independent lifestyle, with additional services on a fee for service basis. Other Continuing Care and Life Care communities offer contracts that cover all health care costs including assisted living, hospital care and physician visits which are often already covered by a resident's private health insurance or Medicare. Choices of providers and hospitals are often limited. Entrance and monthly fees are usually very high because they must cover the potential cost of healthcare for the entire community. At Cardinal Point, you continue to use the medical service providers of your choice, and pay for an independent lifestyle. However, residents have the peace of mind that care services are available onsite on a fee for service basis should the need arise.
What happens if I or my spouse needs care services?
Cardinal Point has a full-time nurse and 24 hour care staff available to provide care in the privacy of your home. Personalized assessments are completed to curate individualized care plans and charged on a fee for service basis. Care is available both on a short term basis due to recuperation from illness or injury or in some cases on a longer term program.